Saturday, 31 May 2014

How to get into nursing school: Application process+my story

I filmed a video today about the application process for nursing school here in Ireland and my story, as well as some tips to help you get through the long (and sometimes stressful process). Last year (and the year before) when I was going through the application process I would've loved to watch a video on someone else's experience, just to give me peace of mind and ensure that I was doing everything right. Now, having gone through it and ended up at my first choice college I decided to share my experience in the hopes that it will help someone else and reassure them that everything is going to be OK.
I mentioned a few of the following links in the video, and posted some of these in the description box, but just in case you don't come across them, I'm going to link everything here as follows:   This is the website where you can get loads of information about the application process, FAQ's, as well as info and links to the different courses available. Like I said in the video, please apply early and save yourself the hassle of having to worry down the line, when you could be concentrating on other things :). Plus, you'll be saving yourself money as well. This is the website where you register for the mature student assessment and where you can also access previous exam papers and materials that will help you prepare for the assessment. You will be reminded to do this after you've applied through the CAO, but make sure to remind yourself to register on time. This will link you to the authority that deals with  all student grants. Just like everything else, apply early for this as well. You will put yourself at an advantage by being organised when it comes to the application process and the grants.  Super handy website. Tells you about all the financial supports available, as well as budgeting tips. Check it out if you also want to know about the different tuition fees that you might have to pay. Have a look at this website to familiarise yourself with the nursing board and all the different things they do, as well as information on scope of practice and the different requirements you have to fulfil before you can register with them. An organisation that supports nurses and midwives (as well as students) by providing information, education and advice. Once you're in college you can register with them, but in the meantime you can check it out if you want some of your questions answered.

These are just some of the websites that can help you in this long (and sometimes torturous) process. If you want to know more about this or any other topic please don't hesitate to contact me either on this blog, my e-mail, twitter or instagram.
In the meantime, check out the video (apologies for it being so long!)


1 comment:

  1. I like your blog a lot. Its informative and full of information. Thank you for sharing.
